About GreensladeCreative.com

GreensladeCreative.com, established in 1999, has had a focus on Production work for many years. We have decades of combined experience and knowledge to benefit you on your next project - Contact us.

GreensladeCreative.com has a strong team. Designed to help get your production up and running. Talk to one of our team members and get it happening! See the Team.

“...The best thing you can do for someone is help open their eyes to their possibilities...”
Martin Luther King Jr.

GreensladeCreative.com is setup to develop film, video, sound and events predominantly in the Auckland, Waikato and Thames Valley areas. We can travel wherever we are needed but these are our main stomping grounds.

We began as a few friends talking around some coffees after completting a project discussing how we like doing what we do. The ideas started flowing and hey-prestow here we are…

When people work together, with the right skills, anything can happen.

“...Another day made possible by coffee...”
Uncle Bob

Special of the month...

You can get a free squeeze with each production you hire us for including music videos, short films and documentaries...

Contact Us…

Lets make some noise together.
